call on +1 646 820-6625 or
make a confidential enquiry

Our Approach

1. Focused expertise in key areas

We bring together extensive local experience and expertise in areas of China & Asia market development, sales, marketing, brand building, and management. We focus on revenue growth and bottom-line results for our clients.

2. Strong knowledge and experience of the China market

90% of our staff are from China, lived in China, and are in China. Our management team, project managers, consultants, and associates have extensive knowledge and hands-on experience on topics from local regulatory issues to consumer tastes and preferences. Not only that we are not only able to strategize and plan but also implement and execute strategies on-ground.

3. Providing services with highest quality standards

Providing services of the highest quality is our number one priority. This does includes both achieving the best quality deliverables as well as creating a satisfying engagement process for the client, making sure that we 100% align our goals with that of our clients..

4. Flexible Engagement and Fee Models

We look to build a long-term relationship with our clients and are flexible in the mode of engagement, often sharing risks and rewards, and having compensation models other than just time-based or fixed project costs.

5. Both strategy and implementation

We are able to deliver to our clients solid strategic guidance as well as implementation for their go-to-market strategies. To help our clients achieve their goals, we utilize "thinkers" as well as mobilize "doers". For clients who already have a sound strategy, we are able assist them with the implementation.

6. Leverage our resources, networks, and relationships

Working with HK-China Corporation allows you to have access to and be able to leverage our human resources, industry experts, networks, associations, channels, as well as governmental and commercial relationships when you need it the most.

7. Connecting East and West

Our staff and management team is culturally and business-wise a mix between Asian and Western. We communicate effectively and connect on a deeper level with clients and at the same time, we are able to grasp the business dynamics and landscape of China effectively as well, to the benefit of our clients.

8. We strive to be your China & Asia growth partner

Our clients' success is our success, and this is why we like to look at our relationship with the client as a partnership, where we offer our expertise and resources to propel our clients' interests.

HK-CHINA CORPORATION LIMITED call on +1 646 820-6625 or make a confidential enquiry